Shaun Yajima’s new article is out now! 研究室メンバー矢島ショーンさんの論文が国際雑誌に掲載されました。
博士課程 4年の矢島ショーンさんが執筆した論文「Fuel, Fear, and Fault: Mass Media and Cartel Criticism during the German Coal Crisis of 1900」がケンブリッジ大学出版局 Cambridge Core の Enterprise & Society に掲載されました。おめでとうございます!
Shaun Yajima’s new journal article is out now!
Shaun Yajima, PhD student in the RUBiC lab, has just released his first academic article in Enterprise & Society, an established field journal in business history research. Many congratulations! The paper is open-access and can be freely downloaded here.
JSPSのポスドク研究員として本研究室に在籍した Nora Baker ノラ・ベイカーさんが日本での研究活動中に執筆した論文「Marie Durand (1711–1776): Vicarious Strategies in the Letters of a Huguenot Detainee」が Women in French Studies 誌の特別号に掲載されました。
Project Muse :
Dr Nora Baker, JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow and formerly a member of our lab, has just published her journal article.
During her research activities in Japan, Dr Baker wrote an article, now published in a special issue of Women in French Studies, entitled ‘Marie Durand (1711-1776): Vicarious Strategies in the Letters of a Huguenot Detainee’. Congratulations Dr Baker!
A link to the article can be found below.
Project Muse :
【開催告知】生物学史シンポジウム「ジェンダー、コロニアリズム、アグノトロジーと科学史――ロンダ・シービンガーの著作をめぐって 」(2024年11月18日)
《English version is below》
【日時】 11月18日(月)15:30 -17:30 (18:00 – 20:00 懇親会)
【場所】東京大学本郷キャンパス 経済学研究科学術交流棟(小島ホール) 第2セミナー室
– 鶴田想人 (大阪大学) Opening Remarks
– 小川眞里子 (東海ジェンダー研究所) Introduction
– 岡本隣 (東京大学) “Women in Colonial Botany: From the Case of Agnes Block”
– 並河葉子 (神戸外国語大学) “Breaking New Ground: The Impact of Londa Schiebinger’s Work on the Study of Slavery in the Caribbean”
– 弓削尚子 (早稲田大学) “Bringing the History of Science and Agnotology to the Gender History/Studies Classroom”
– 井野瀬久美恵 (人間文化研究機構) “Slave Mothers: The Peacock Flowers and Iemanja”
– ロンダ・シービンガー (スタンフォード大学) Comments
– Discussion
場所:山上会館1階 T-Lounge CREDO
会費:7,000円(学生4000円) ※当日お支払いください
【主催】日本科学史学会 生物学史分科会
【お問合せ】 (鶴田想人)
参加登録フォーム ※シンポジウムのみ、または懇親会のみのご参加も歓迎いたします
【Inviting In-Person Participants】The Biological Unit of the History of Science Society of Japan 2024 Symposium”Gender, Colonialism, Agnotology and the History of Science: On the Works of Londa Schiebinger”(18 November 2024)
We are currently inviting in-person participants for the Biological Unit of the History of Science Society of Japan 2024 Symposium “Gender, Colonialism, Agnotology and the History of Science: On the Works of Londa Schiebinger” co-hoted by our lab.
【Date】 Monday 18 November, 15:30 – 17:30 (18:00 – 20:00 Conference Dinner)
【Venue】Kojima Hall 2nd Seminar Room, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo
【Theme】Gender, Colonialism, Agnotology and the History of Science: On the Works of Londa Schiebinger
– Soto Tsuruta (Osaka Univ.) Opening Remarks
– Mariko Ogawa (Tokai Foundation for Gender Studies) Introduction
– Lynn Okamoto (Univ. of Tokyo) “Women in Colonial Botany: From the Case of Agnes Block”
– Yoko Namikawa (Kobe City Univ. of Foreign Studies) “Breaking New Ground: The Impact of Londa Schiebinger’s Work on the Study of Slavery in the Caribbean”
– Naoko Yuge (Waseda Univ.) “Bringing the History of Science and Agnotology to the Gender History/Studies Classroom”
– Kumie Inose (National Institutes for the Humanities) “Slave Mothers: The Peacock Flowers and Iemanja”
– Londa Schiebinger (Stanford Univ.) Comments
– Discussion
【Conference Dinner】
Venue: T-Lounge CREDO, Sanjo Conference Hall
Fee: ¥7,000 (Students ¥4,000) *To be paid on site
【Organiser】The Biological Unit of the History of Science Society of Japan
【Co-organiser】 The University of Tokyo Center for Global Advanced Studies & RUBiC: Research Unit for Business in Context
【Contact】 (Soto Tsuruta)
【開催レポート】国際シンポジウム「Societal Sidelines: Exclusion and Resilience in the Early Modern World」
《English version is below》
2024年7月13-14日、東京大学本郷キャンパス小島ホールにて国際シンポジウム「Societal Sidelines: Exclusion and Resilience in the Early Modern World」が開催されました。このイベントは、本研究室PI山本浩司、研究室メンバーのノラ・ベイカーが安平弦司氏(京都大学大学院文学研究科)と企画開催したもので、日本経済国際研究センター(CIRJE)と日本学術振興会の助成を受けて行われました。また7月15日には、巣鴨にあるカフェ・ポート・グラスゴーで、関連する一般向けイベント「オランダ共和国における多様性と交流」を開催しました。
The international symposium ‘Societal Sidelines: Exclusion and Resilience in the Early Modern World’ was held on 13-14 July 2024 at Kojima Hall, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo. The event was organised by Nora Baker, Genji Yasuhira, and Koji Yamamoto, and was generously funded by the Centre for International Research on the Japanese Economy (CIRJE) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. On 15th July, we also held a related public-facing event, ‘Diversity and Exchange in the Dutch Republic’, which was held at Café Port Glasgow, in the Sugamo area of Toshima-ku.
The symposium took place in hybrid format, with most speakers presenting in person, but with a few presenters and attendees managing to tune in and speak from distant time zones. The event brought together scholars specialising in a wide range of topics relating to marginalisation and empowerment during the early modern period. Attendees gained insight on a variety of issues, including Turkic culture in Qing-dynasty China, indigenous hostages in seventeenth-century Siberia, and on sacred wrestling practices in early modern India, to name but a few of the case studies explored over the course of the conference.
This event’s global outlook and ethos succeeded in bringing together researchers from many different career stages, and from over fourteen different countries. Many fruitful exchanges were made, as scholars were given the opportunity to reflect on the parallels which exist between diverse areas of study. The value of a comparative approach was highlighted by the keynote speech given on the eve of the first day of the conference, by Professor Tomoji Odori, of Musashi University. Professor Odori’s lecture examined the strategies employed by both Japan’s Kakure Kirishitan and Europe’s Anabaptist communities in order to survive amid persecution. Participants contemplated the importance of resilience for marginalised peoples in the past, leading to reflections which will, hopefully, help inform a more inclusive future. The opportunities for connecting and networking fostered by this conference will also bolster international academic unity.
The organisers would like to express our gratitude to CIRJE and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science for their generous financial support, without which this symposium would not have been possible. We would also like to sincerely thank Ms Kimiko Tanaka and Ms Akiko Ishikawa of CIRJE for the invaluable logistical support that they provided.
For more information on the programme, please click here.
「MEC-U Tokyo Lab」主催のイベント「東大 Week@Marunouchi 2024」に本研究室PI山本浩司が登壇します。
本研究室PI山本が登壇する「東大 Week@Marunouchi 2024」が下記の通り開催されます。当イベントは東京大学と三菱地所株式会社が2022年に産学協創協定を締結し立ち上げた「MEC-U Tokyo Lab」によるトークイベントで、昨年に引き続き丸の内周辺のカフェ・レストランが会場となっています。ぜひご参加ください。
■7/31(水) 東京大学教員陣によるプレゼン
【開催場所:丸の内仲通りビル1階「GARB Tokyo」】
登壇者:江崎浩(東京大学 大学院情報理工学系研究科 教授)
②『ビジネスは社会課題を解決できるのか -歴史とジェンダーの視点から』
登壇者:山本浩司(東京大学 大学院経済学研究科 准教授)
本研究室PI 山本浩司によるエッセイが公開されました。
世界思想社のwebマガジン「せかいしそう」に、PR誌『世界思想』50号「歴史」特集号に掲載された本研究室PI 山本浩司の「男性としてジェンダー史をはじめること」が公開されました。ぜひお読みください。
男性としてジェンダー史をはじめること | せかいしそう (
The online magazine of Sekai Shisōsha has recently featured an article by our PI, Koji Yamamoto, titled “Research Gender History as a Man”. This piece was originally published in the 50th issue of the PR magazine Sekai Shisō, a special edition focused on ‘History’.
【開催レポート】国際シンポジウム「Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History」
《English version is below》
2023年11月18日から19日にかけて、東京大学本郷キャンパスの小島ホールにて国際シンポジウム「Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History」が開催されました。このイベントは、本研究室メンバーの蔡暁林、矢島ショーン、横江良祐および本研究室PI 山本浩司を中心とする主催チームが、東京大学大学院経済学研究科の日本経済国際共同研究センター(CIRJE)とPolitical Economy Tokyo Seminar(PoETS)と共に実施しました。
The international symposium ‘Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History’ was held on 18-19 November 2023 at Kojima Hall, Hongo Campus, University of Tokyo. The event was organised by a team led by Lillian Tsai, Sean Yajima, Ryosuke Yokoe, and our PI Koji Yamamoto, together with the Centre for International Research on the Japanese Economy (CIRJE) and the Political Economy Tokyo Seminar (PoETS) of the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo.
It brought together historians specialising in a range of commodities, from daily necessities such as rice and textiles, to luxuries such as tea and cashew nuts, and modern products such as skin care. Each presentation explored how commodities in different temporal and regional contexts relate to broader questions of power, knowledge, and social change, drawing on a variety of analytical frameworks that included economic and business history, imperial history, global history and medical history.
The organisers received over 160 applications from around the world, and a selection process led to the selection of 15 researchers at various stages of their careers, from PhD students to faculty members, from institutions in Japan, the US, India, Italy, China, Malaysia and Hong Kong. On the first day, Professor Ai Hisano of the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies gave a keynote lecture on aesthetics and capitalism in contemporary Japan and the United States. The two-day conference brought together excellent research on diverse commodities and provided networking opportunities for future collaborations.
We would like to thank CIRJE and the Mitsubishi Foundation for providing invaluable financial support in the process of organising this symposium. We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to Ms Kimiko Tanaka and Ms Akiko Ishikawa of CIRJE for their logistical support.
For more information on the programme, please click here.
【開催告知】国際シンポジウム「Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History」(2023年11月18~19日)
《English version is below》
【日時】 11月18日(土)13:00 -17:30 (17:30 ~レセプション) ー 11月19日(日)10:30 – 17:30
【場所】東京大学本郷キャンパス 経済学研究科学術交流棟(小島ホール) 2F コンファレンスルーム
【テーマ】Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History
【主催】Political Economy Tokyo Seminar (PoETS)
【Inviting In-Person Participants】International symposium ‘Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History’ (18-19 November 2023)
We are currently inviting in-person participants for an international symposium hosted by Ryosuke Yokoe, a research fellow of our lab, Sean Yajima, a third-year doctoral student, and Lilian Tsay, a visiting doctoral student.
【Date】 Saturday 18 November, 13:00 – 17:30 (17:30 ~Reception) – Sunday 19 November, 10:30 – 17:30
【Venue】Kojima Conference Room (2F), Kojima Hall, Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo
【Theme】Navigating Commodities: Production, Markets, and Consumption in History
【Organiser】Political Economy Tokyo Seminar (PoETS)
【Co-organiser】 Historians’ Workshop
京都大学小俣ラポー 日登美准教授(人文科学研究所)主催のイベント「Stereotypes Revisited」 に本研究室PI が登壇します。
《English version is below》
2023年10月5日の午後、京都大学にて、本研究室PI山本浩司が編集した論文集『Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England』についての公開シンポジウムが対面開催されます。西洋史、日本史、東西交流史、そして社会心理学の観点から、学際的に論集の主張を検討する機会となります。詳細は以下の通りです。登録不要となっておりますので、お近くの方はぜひご参加ください。
【場所】京都大学吉田キャンパス 学術研究支援棟 1階セミナールーム
【テーマ】Stereotypes Revisited
【主催者】小俣ラポー 日登美准教授(京都大学 人文科学研究所)
大平英樹 (名古屋大学 社会心理学)
安平弦司(京都大学 近世オランダ史)
Kjell David Ericson (京都大学 近代日本史)
小俣ラポー 日登美 (京都大学 キリスト教思想史・東西交流史)
Nora Baker (東京大学 18世紀ヨーロッパ史)
※『Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England』はオープンアクセスです。こちらのサイトの右側のメニューから全文のダウンロードが可能です。
Kyoto University Event “Stereotypes Revisited” Organised by Associate Professor Hitomi Omata Rappo (Institute for Research in the University) to Feature Koji Yamamoto
On 5 October 2023, a public symposium on Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England, a collection edited by our PI Koji Yamamoto, will be held in person at Kyoto University. The event will examine the book’s themes and arguments from an interdisciplinary angle, featuring perspectives from Western history, Japanese history, the history of East-West exchange, and social psychology. Further details are provided below. Registration is not required.
【Date】 5 October, 15:00-18:00
【Venus】1st floor, Research Administration Building, Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University
【Theme】 Stereotypes Revisited
【Organiser 】Associate Professor Hitomi Omata Rappo, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
Hideki Ohira (Social Psychology, Nagoya University)
Genji Yasuhira (Early Modern Dutch History, Kyoto University)
Kjell David Ericson (Kyoto University, Modern Japanese History)
Hitomi Omata Rappo (Kyoto University, History of Christian Thought, History of East-West Interaction)
Nora Baker (University of Tokyo, 18th century European History)
*Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England is open access. The full text can be downloaded from the menu on the right-hand side of this website.
本研究室PI 山本浩司のインタビュー記事が公開されました
An interview with our PI Koji Yamamoto is now available.
Our PI, Koji Yamamoto, has been featured in an interview published on esse-sence, an online media platform showcasing researchers and their in-depth interviews drawn from across Japan. See his interview below.