

Project Associate Professor

Graduate Students


  • 横江良祐|Ryosuke YOKOE (特別研究員 学振PD)
  • Nora BAKER(特別研究員 学振PD)
  • Christy WANG(特別研究員 学振PD)
  • 鈴木路子|Michiko SUZUKI (特任研究員 歴史家ワークショップ)
  • 平井正人|Masahito HIRAI (特任研究員 歴史家ワークショップ)

Administrative staff


<Graduate Students>

林沛璇 LIN Peixuan



LIN Peixuan joined Yamamoto Lab in January 2023. Interested in culture, politics, and religion in the Asian region, she anticipates that her research might focus on the history of international expansion of multinati

周 之桜 ZHOU Zhiying



I graduated from the Department of Psychology and Sociology at Meiji University’s Faculty of Literature in 2022 and entered the Management Program of the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo in 2023. After enrolling, I developed an interest in history and joined the Yamamoto Lab in 2024. I am currently planning to study the history of mental hospitals in modern Shanghai, China from a Japanese perspective.

李氷潔 LI Bingjie



LI Bingjie is from China. She entered the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Economics for the Business Administration Course in 2022 and joined the Yamamoto Laboratory in 2023 with her interest in historical approaches. By conducting interdisciplinary research on a wide range of fields, such as history, society, psychology and ethics, she aims to further understand the constitutive logic of human society.




My name is Xie Fei. I joined the Yamamoto Laboratory in January 2022 to study the history of consumer goods related to women in China and gain historical research skills. I will graduate from my master’s degree in March 2023 and pursue a doctorate after. My interests broadly lie in gender-related topic such as women’s experiences, women’s products, and sexual minorities The 3 things that define me are, I can’t live without sweets, I like uncertain things, and I like to communicate with people from different backgrounds for a collision of ideas.


The Commercialization and Socialization of Feminine Sanitary Products in Modern China, 1910s-1950s, Master’s dissertation, Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo, 2022.

矢島ショーン Shaun YAJIMA



I am a second-year doctoral student working on the economic and business history of Germany from the late 19th to early 20th century. In my dissertation, I focus on the Rhenish-Westphalian Coal Syndicate, a monopolistic coal cartel established in 1893, and try to contextualize its managerial behavior within external pressures from public opinion, mass media, and interest groups. By examining the extent to which such pressures were able to control cartel behavior in the absence of governmental regulation, I aim to expand the concepts of corporate “regulation” and “control” in modern society.

個人研究ページ・Personal Website


横江良祐 Ryosuke YOKOE



Ryosuke Yokoe is a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Economics. He graduated with a BA (Hons) degree in history from the University of Sheffield (UK) in 2014 and completed his PhD project at the same institution in 2019 on the history of medical and public health debates on alcohol and liver disease in twentieth-century Britain. After a brief stint in the private sector as a market researcher for the pharmaceutical industry, he returned to academia in 2021 to work as a 1-year postdoctoral fellow for the Historians’ Workshop. His broader expertise concerns the medical and business histories of alcohol and other intoxicating substances. His current project focuses on the usage of science research funding and marketing by the alcoholic beverage industry in intervening in public discussions on alcohol misuse in contemporary Britain.


R. Yokoe, ‘Brewers, Booze, and Disease: Industrial Funding of Alcoholic Liver Disease Research in 1980s Britain’, Social History of Medicine 31.1 (2022), pp. 259-77
R. Yokoe, ‘Alcohol and Politics in Twentieth-Century Britain’, The Historical Journal 62.1 (2019), pp. 267-87



I am a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate School of Economics. I completed my PhD and Master of Science degrees at the University of Oxford, focusing on migration and religious and ethnic minorities in modern and early modern Europe. I am originally from the west of Ireland, and I earned my Bachelor’s degree at the University of Galway back in 2017.

My project in Tokyo will examine western writing about Japan during the period of the Early Enlightenment (c.1650-1730). My focus will be on European perceptions of childrearing practices and domestic culture in a far-off, largely isolated land during the time when theories such as those of John Locke were gaining popularity. Most of the works I will be studying were produced in the United Provinces, as the Dutch were the only European power permitted to trade with Japan during the sakoku period, but Amsterdam in the eighteenth century was a fairly multilingual place, so much of the material that I will be using was actually first written in French. During my PhD studies, I developed a strong interest in histories of women and childhood, and I want to expand my focus beyond Europe to understand past relations with the rest of the world. 


“Location and language in the memoirs and correspondence of the Ourry family,” Huguenot Society Journal, vol. 36, pp. 43-58


“Tiered Tolerance: Protestants and the ‘Other’ after 1685” in: Narratives of Peace in Religious Discourses: Global Perspectives in the Early Modern Age, ed. Alessandro Saggioro, Beatrice Tramontano, Ludovico Battista, Maria Fallica, Equinox Press, [forthcoming January 2024].

“Missionaries, Colonists, Historians, Nurses? The Multifaceted Roles of Nuns working in Eighteenth-Century Montréal,” in: Women and Work across the Eighteenth-Century Francophone Globe, ed. Síofra Pierse, Bucknell University Press [forthcoming]

Christy WANG


I am a historian of religion and currently a JSPS postdoctoral fellow at the Graduate School of Economics. I obtained my PhD at the University of Oxford, with the thesis, ‘Puritan Conformity, Church Polity, and Anglican Identity, 1628–88’. Through my doctoral research, I developed an interest in fluid identities and contested religious boundaries. I continue to explore these themes with my current project at the University of Tokyo, ‘Godly Interest: Providence and Profit in the English Empire’. This project explores the role of providential rhetoric in Puritan pursuits of profit amongst the seventeenth-century English diaspora.
Personal Website:


‘Providence and Puritan Deceit: John Davenport’s Forgery Revisited.’ Studies in Church History 60
Hypocrisy and Duplicity in the History of the Church (forthcoming in June 2024).
‘By Love to Them I Cease Loving of Thee’: Michael Wigglesworth and the Puritan Journaling of Same-
Sex Love. London: Latimer Trust (forthcoming in May 2024).
‘Edward Reynolds and the Making of a Presbyterian Bishop.’ In Reformed Identity and Conformity in
the Church of England, 1560–1714. Edited by Jake Griesel and Esther Counsell. Manchester:
Manchester University Press, 2024.
‘The Welsh Trust: A Charitable Proposal for Comprehension.’ Journal of Ecclesiastical History 74, no.
3 (July 2023): 516–34.

Book review

Review of Reformed Government: Puritanism, Historical Contingency, and Ecclesiastical Politics in Late
Elizabethan England by Polly Ha. Journal of Religion (expected April 2024).

平井正人 Masahito HIRAI

特任研究員 歴史家ワークショップ

慶應義塾大学総合政策学部卒業後、東京大学総合文化研究科修士・博士課程、日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)、東京大学百五十年史編纂室特任研究員を経て現職。専門は科学史・科学哲学、政治思想史。博士論文では、19世紀フランスの哲学者オーギュスト・コント(Auguste Comte,
)の第一の主著である『実証哲学講義』(Cours de philosophie positive, 1830–1842)を「政治的な科学哲学/科学の政治哲学」(Political Philosophy of Science)の観点から分析した。科学と科学者が社会の中で果たす(べき)機能、「社会科学」を(自然科学のような)「科学」にしようとしてきた試みの歴史、「世界(人類)史」の誕生、「実証主義」のグローバル・ヒストリーなどに関心があります。

After graduating from the Faculty of Policy Management at Keio University, I completed the master’s and doctoral programs at the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, the University of Tokyo, and was a Research Fellow (DC1) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and a Project Researcher at the University of Tokyo’s 150-year History Compilation Office. I specialize in history of science, philosophy of science, and history of political thought. In my doctoral thesis, I examined the first major work of Auguste Comte (1798-1857), the 19th century French philosopher, the Cours de philosophie positive (1830–1842), from the perspective of “political philosophy of science.” I am interested in the functions that science and scientists (should) perform in a society, the history of attempts to make “social science” (like natural science), the birth of “World History (History of Humanity),” the global history of “positivism(s),” etc




「東京大学における「教養学部のあり方」論の変遷――東大紛争以前の三つの委員会を中心に」『東京大学文書館紀要』第41巻, 2023年3月, 20〜30頁.
「ジャック・ロルダと機械論対生気論史観」『科学史研究』第60巻, 2021年, 218-233.
« La critique de la physique laplacienne par Auguste Comte : le cas de capillarité », Revue de philosophie Française 24 (2019), 216–228. 

<Project Associate Professor>

ヒロ・ヒライ Hiro HIRAI


専門は西欧ルネサンス学、錬金術史・占星術史・魔術史。英仏伊語による共編著・論文多数。日本語の共編著に『ミクロコスモス』(月曜社、2010年)、『知のミクロコスモス』(中央公論新社、2014年)、『ルネサンス・バロックのブックガイド』(工作舎、2019年)など。学術ウェブサイト bibliotheca hermetica(略称BH)とユーチューブ『BHチャンネル』を主宰。第九回日本学術振興会賞受賞(2012年)。

Ph.D. in philosophy and history of science, University of Lille 3 (France), Hiro is a project associate professor and has published widely on Renaissance and early modern natural philosophy, medicine and alchemy, including Le concept de semence dans les théories de la Renaissance (2005) and Medical Humanism and Natural Philosophy (2011). He also co-edited Pseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy (2022). He is currently finishing his third monograph on Renaissance philosophy, medicine and magic.

Select Publications

  • Le concept de semence dans les théories de la matière à la Renaissance (Brepols, 2005).
  • Medical Humanism and Natural Philosophy: Renaissance Debates on Matter, Life and the Soul (Brill, 2011).
  • (co-edited with Didier Kahn), Pseudo-Paracelsus: Forgery and Early Modern Alchemy, Medicine and Natural Philosophy (Brill, 2019).

<Administrative staff>

濱田恵子 keiko HAMADA

フランスのクリエーターブランドの広報を経て渡仏。パリ滞在中は、ヨーロッパから 日本市場へ向けた服飾ブランド、服飾雑貨等の発掘や日本からのクライアントのコーディネーターとして現地商社で勤務。その後独立しフランスで設立した法人の代表を務めました。帰国後は日本人デザイナーによるイタリア生産の靴ブランドの会社運営に携わりました。

I worked in public relations for a French creative brand before moving to France.During my stay in Paris, I worked in a local trading company as a coordinator for buyers from Japan and to discover apparel brands and accessories for the Japanese market from Europe.I then became independent and headed a company I set up in France. After returning to Japan, I was involved in managing a company with a shoe brand produced in Italy by Japanese designers. Bringing my wealth of experience abroad, I started the current administrative position in August 2023.



特任研究員 (2024年3月まで) 2024年4月より名古屋工業大学 大学院工学研究科 准教授


After graduating from New York University, Moe Furukawa completed her MA and PhD studies at Kyoto University and was a JSPS Research Fellow (Tokyo University of the Arts). She specializes in Italian Renaissance art history, and is especially interested in how art functioned in society and how the artists were perceived. In order to investigate the background to the institutionalization of art during the Renaissance, her research mainly focuses on the activities and writings of Giorgio Vasari, who in the 16th century wrote Lives of the Artists and founded the first art academy in the Western world. Moe also wrote a few books illustrating the system of Renaissance art to the general public under the name Meli Tsuboya.






「芸術庇護としての弔い ―フィレンツェ公国におけるジョルジョ・ヴァザーリとエピタフ、墓碑、追悼―」、『西洋中世研究』第7号、2015年、134~157頁
“Looking out of the Vasari Corridor: Giorgio Vasari, the Arno, and the Gaze of the Ruler”, Occhi e sguardi nella filosofia e nelle arti / Eyes and Gazes in Philosophy and Arts, eds. Giuseppe Patella and Atushi Okada, Rome: UniversItalia, 2015
「上演する墓──イタリア・ルネサンスにおけるテクストによる墓碑」、『Arts and Media』第7号、2017年、64~73頁



ポリーナ・バルデゥッチ Polina BARDUCCI



Born and raised in Moscow, Russia, Polina Barducci started her academic path in Lomonosov Moscow State University and continued her studies in Japan fist as a research student at Graduate School of Humanities at the University of Tokyo (2014–2016) and then earned her MA degree in History at Kokugakuin University in 2018. She continued her studies at the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Cambridge where she was awarded a doctoral degree in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies in 2023. Before her current academic appointment, Polina was affiliated with the Historiographical Institute at the University of Tokyo as a Japan Foundation fellow in 2022. Her research work is dedicated to investigating unknown aspects of warrior legitimacy in premodern Japan.


Polina Barducci, “Justice in an Age of Lawlessness? Miyoshi Nagayoshi, a Disputed Warlord from the Sixteenth Century”, Studia Orientalia, 124, pp.35–55, 2023

Polina Serebriakova(旧姓) and Danny Orbach, “Irregular Warriors: Towards a Historical Understanding of the Ninja” The Journal of Military History, 84, pp.997–1020, October 2020

セレブリアコヴァ・ポリーナ(旧姓)「日本史における天下という概念の展開 ―織豊期の天下統一を中心に―」『東アジア文化研究』3, 125-146, 2018年2月

大和愛 Narusa YAMATO


スタンフォード大学 歴史学部 博士課程5年の大和愛采です。博士論文では、日本帝国における酪農業の歴史の研究を通じて、酪農業と日本の国家・帝国形成について調べています。山本研究室に訪問学生として所属しており、ゼミの活動に参加するとともに資料調査を行っています。専門・興味関心は帝国史、科学技術史、食物史、農業史、ジェンダー史などを含みます。

Narusa Yamato is a Ph.D. candidate in History at Stanford University. Her research explores the relationship between imperialism and capitalism by studying the rise of the Japanese dairy industry from 1850-1952. This project also draws on her other interests such as history of science and technology, gender history, and agricultural history.


“Chapter 6: Making Women’s Bodies: Gender, Science, and Medicine in East Asia, 1700-1945” in Paula Findlen (ed.), Embodied Knowledge: Women and Science before Silicon Valley Forthcoming 2023

Lillian TSAY 蔡暁林(サイ ギョウリン)



I am a historian of modern East Asia whose work examines the history of food and empire, gender, and science and technology studies. As a Ph.D. candidate at Brown University’s History Department, my dissertation project explores how food, especially Western-style confectionery such as chocolate, caramel, and gum, was produced, marketed, and consumed in the Japanese Empire. I am particularly interested in how colonial Taiwan contributed to the making of sweetness within the Japanese Empire besides providing sugar as the raw material. I am now doing my dissertation research at Yamamoto Lab.
I received my B.A. from National Taiwan University with double majors in English literature and sociology. I then attended the University of Tokyo’s Interdisciplinary School of Information Studies, where I wrote a thesis on postwar Japanese food tourism to Taiwan. After receiving my master’s degree, I worked as a full-time employee at Japan’s largest tourist agency JTB before continuing my research at Brown.


“Feminising the ‘Modern’ Sweetness: Gender and Western-style Confectionery in Interwar Japan” in Gender & History (2022)

湯浅 悦子 Etsuko YUASA



Etsuko Yuasa graduated from the Faculty of Business and Commerce at Keio University in 2022 and entered the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo, where she joined Yamamoto Laboratory in 2023. During her undergraduate years, she studied advertising ethics in influencer marketing. Her main interest is gender and business ethics, and how history and cultural contexts are connected.


譚星雨(タンセイウ) TAN XINGYU



I am an international student from Shanghai, China. During my undergraduate years, I was a member of the College of Intercultural Communication (CIC) at Rikkyo
University, where I interacted with people from different cultures in a multilingual environment. I specialized in four different fields: language, interpretation and translation, communication, and global studies. After graduation, I furthered my studies in the Graduate School of Economics at the University of Tokyo in 2021. I engaged in research regarding the development of after-school education in China from the beginnings of “reform and opening up” to 2000 (with a focus on “children’s palaces”).





日本語:中国出身で、中国の改革開放期の私企業について研究するため、2022年4月に山本研究室に入りました。2023年3月に修士学位を取得する予定です。2023年4月から日本IBM GroupでIT コンサルタントとして働く予定です。

I come from China, and joined the Yamamoto Laboratory in April 2022 to study private companies in China during the period of economic liberalization and reform in the late twentieth century. I plan on completing my master’s degree in March 2023, and working as an IT consultant at the IBM Group in Japan from April 2023


論文:「改革開放期の中国における私企業の合法化 温州市を中心に(1978−2004)」 (2023) 東京大学経済学研究科提出修士学位論文

大西 晋作 Shinsaku ONISHI


My research is about the British trade union movement and its historiographical influence on the concept of ‘liberty’ from the late nineteenth to early twentieth century.


Rules of Collective Bargaining 1860-1930 (Doctoral thesis, University of Bristol, 2021).

PI 山本浩司准教授 | Koji YAMAMOTO