PI Profile : 山本浩司 | Koji Yamamoto
D.Phil in History (York) 歴史学博士 (英国ヨーク大学)
I am an historian of early modern England, with particular interest on businesses, knowledge, politics and culture. I have published on economic improvement, state-formation, stereotypes and economic ‘projects’ in England between 1600 and 1720. Recently, I have been drawn towards gender history and the history of the South Sea Bubble. I have also been interested in the history of capitalism, and in social psychology and sociology as thriving fields that are ‘good to think with’. Since 2010, I have worked intermittently with social psychologists on the intersection between history and social psychology, and on stereotypes and their roles in early modern politics, religion and economy.
More broadly, I am drawn to the kinds of historical research that can be used to engage with wider stakeholders beyond Japanese universities. Historical research, at its very best, enables us to appreciate what Goethe would call the evergreen richness of life: it humbles us when our arrogance makes us feel all too powerful; it empowers us when our desperation makes us feel quite powerless. Thinking historically can enable us to understand how we have come to inherit the world in which we live now, and also to imagine worlds that are very different from ours. This is one of the reasons why historical research continues to matter, and why it demands our attention today.
研究業績 | Publications
Edited collections
2012 Vlad Glaveanu and Koji Yamamoto (eds.), ‘Bridging History and Social Psychology’, Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science, 46, (Dec. 2012), containing 5 psychology articles followed by 5 early modern papers responding to these, with a concluding article by Mark Knights (Warwick)
Articles and book chapters
2022 with Peter Lake, ‘Introduction: Rethinking early modern stereotyping in the twenty-first century’, in Yamamoto (ed.), Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England, 1-34.
2022 ‘History plays, Catholic polemics and the staging of political economy in Elizabethan England’, in Yamamoto (ed.), Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England, 86-113.
2022 with Peter Lake, ‘Alchemists, puritans and projectors in the plays of Ben Jonson’, in Yamamoto (ed.), Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England, 114-149.
2022 with Sandra Jovchelovitch and Peter Lake, ‘The dialectics of stereotyping – past and present’ in Yamamoto (ed.), Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England, 308-21.
2018 ‘Projets des «Projectors» (Angleterre, XVIe-XVIIIe Siècles)’, in Frédéric Graber and Martin Giraudeau (eds.), Les Projets: Une Histoire Politique (XVIe-XXIe Siècles) (Paris: Presses des Mines, 2018), 41-55.
2017 ‘Early Modern Business Projects and a Forgotten History of Corporate Social Responsibility’, in Grietje Baars and Adré Spicer (eds.), The Corporation: A Critical, Interdisciplinary Handbook (Cambridge: CUP, 2017), 226-237.
2016 With Marie Thébeaud-Sorger, ‘Inventeurs et hommes à projets’, in Liliane Hilaire-Pérez, Fabien Simon and Marie Thébaud-Sorger (eds.), L’Europe des sciences et des techniques XVe-XVIIIe siècle: un dialogue des savoirs (Rennes: Presses Universitaire de Rennes, 2016), 125-132.
2016 ‘Beyond Rational and Irrational Bubbles: James Brydges the First Duke of Chandos during the South Sea Bubble’, in Le Crisi Finanziarie: Gestione, Implicazioni Sociali e Conseguenze nell’Età Preindustriale (Series: Fondazione Istituto internazionale di storia economica “F. Datini”, 2016), 327-357.
2016 ‘Without Imposition: Economic Privileges and the Protection of Private Rights in England before the Glorious Revolution’, in Guillaume Garnar (ed.), Die Ökonomie des Privilegs, Westeuropa, 16-19 Jahrhundert (Frankfurt: Klostermann, 2016), 181-198.
2015 ‘Medicine, Metals and Empire: The Survival of a Chymical Projector in Early Eighteenth-Century London’, British Journal for the History of Science, 48, (Dec. 2015), pp. 607-637.
2012 ‘Reformation and the Distrust of the Projector in the Hartlib Circle’, Historical Journal, 55 (June, 2012), 375-397.
2012 With Vlad Glaveanu, ‘Bridging History and Social Psychology: What, How and Why’, in Vlad Glaveanu and Koji Yamamoto (eds.), ‘Bridging History and Social Psychology’, a special issue of Integrative Psychological and Behavioural Science, 46 (2012), 431-439.
2011 ‘Piety, Profit, and Public Service in the Financial Revolution’, English Historical Review, 126 (August, 2011), 806-834. *Also republished as a chapter in Mark Casson and Catherine Casson (eds.), History of Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Risk-taking, 1200-2000 (2 vols., Elgar, 2014).
Commissioned ‘Historiographical Review: The 1720 South Sea Bubble in Memory, Literature and Scholarship’, Historical Journal.
Textbooks, translations, and other writings
2022 キース・ライトソン『イギリス社会史, 1580-1680: 経済・社会秩序・文化』中野忠・山本浩司訳、解説山本浩司、ちくま学芸文庫 [A new Japanese translation of Keith Wrightson’s English Society, 1580-1680, translated by Tadashi Nakano and Yamamoto, with an article-length Afterword by Yamamoto]
2022 「時代と向き合う西洋経済史」岡崎哲二編『経済史・経営史研究法』有斐閣、2022年 ‘Doing European Economic History in Today’s Japan’, a chapter in a textbook intended for undergraduates
2021 「新規事業からみえる近世と現代」ジョオン・サースク 『消費社会の誕生』三好洋子訳、ちくま学芸文庫、2021、323-50頁 [an article-length Afterword for a paperback Japanese translation of Joan Thirsk’s Economic Policy and Projects]
2020 「生命の経済史:資本主義と公共善」西尾宇広編『生命の経済−生命の教養学16』慶應義塾大学出版会、197-223頁 [a book chapter based on a one-off lecture on the history of capitalism and the public good, intended for those studying STEM subjects]
社会発信・社会との対話 | Media and Public Engagements
2023.12「男性としてジェンダー史をはじめること」『世界思想』 第50号、2023年4月、44-48 (ウェブ転載)
2023.08 Esse-senseインタビュー「無色透明な歴史など存在しない。合理・非合理のパラメータの自明性を歴史的に検証する」
2023.02 プレジデント・オンライン対談 「それっぽい「ウソの歴史」を参考にするとヤバい…東大准教授の「英国の石鹸の話」に若手経営者が感動したワケ」
2022.10 日本科学未来館トークセッション「科学とジェンダーステレオタイプ~未来の科学をどうつくる?」話題提供「西洋の歴史から考えるステレオタイプと偏見」(YouTube link)
2022.02 【東京大学基金】研究者インタビュー 「若手歴史研究者を育成し「歴史的思考法」をひろく日本社会と共有したい」