About Us
山本研究室 | Research Unit for Business in Context とは
本研究室は「ビジネス」をその歴史的文脈に即して研究する研究者のハブとなることを目指しています。ここで言う「ビジネス/business」という概念はOxford English Dictionaryが示す最も広い意味で使っています。それは「The quality or state of being busy」と言う意味です。さらにくだけた言い方をすれば、本研究ユニットが主たる対象とするのはお金や利害関係から切り離すことが難しい「世俗世界でのあれこれ」を意味すると言えるでしょう。世界と私たちの生活をおおいつくすこうした諸活動を、その豊かな歴史を踏まえて理解すること、その知見を学界と社会に発信すること。これが私たちのミッションです。その意味で、本研究室をResearch Unit for Business in Context(略称RUBiC)と呼ぶこともできると考えています。
RUBiC is an international hub for researchers interested in businesses in their rich historical contexts. We use the concept of ‘business’ in the broadest sense as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary. It means ‘the quality or state of being busy’ – hurly-burly of this world bound up with money, interests and power. Our mission is to examine such activities as they were embedded in particular time and place, and to use our findings to engage with academia and civil society alike. Always in the making, we have chosen to call our community RUBiC, the Research Unit for Business in Context.
RUBiCの拠点 | 定例ミーティング
One key feature of RUBiC is our regular lab meetings. During terms, we are meeting regularly on Tuesdays for about 90 minutes in order to discuss progress, give feedback and exchange ideas. Sometimes one of the members pre-circulate draft articles for discussion, practice conference presentations, or seek advice on aspects of their research projects.
Our priority has been to provide safe environment for ECRs to receive constructive feedback. We also would like to our regular meetings to become a thriving hub for like-minded scholars. So we often welcome guest speakers and observers interested in our lab. We also host guest researchers doing archival research in Japan, often for their doctoral theses. These academic visitors tend to have their own funding, and stay more than six months with us making regular contribution to our research community. We welcome enquiries from those who are interested in applying for JSPS postdocs and other research opportunities, and those planning to do archival research on topics directly relevant to our research focus. As we are hosting hybrid seminars on a regular basis, we would appreciate if you could come to these seminars, and get to know our community first before contacting one of us for possible collaboration or sponsorship for competitive grants.
これまでカバーしてきた地域 研究テーマ
現在山本研究室では、広く1) 資本主義の歴史と 2) 近世ヨーロッパの歴史を扱う研究が行われています。
Our lab primarily focuses on 1) the history of early modern Europe and 2) the history of capitalism.
As for early modern Europe, we are especially keen to combine historical sources that have been often studied separately, integrate different analytical methods and approaches, and use well-documented case studies for throwing fresh light on larger historiographical debates.
In the history of capitalism, we try to study businesses in their historical contexts so that we can explore unexpected links between between enterprise and society, market and morality, economy and politics, capitalism and (in)justice. As a community of historians based in the Graduate School of Economics, we also tap into this dynamic environment by looking for synergies between economics and historical methods.
- 19世紀中葉ー20世紀中国
- 19世紀末−20世紀初頭ドイツ
- 17−20世紀イギリス
- 16−17世紀トスカーナ
- 昭和恐慌期の日本
これまで(または現在進行中)の研究テーマ (順不同)
- ジャーナリズム、世論とカルテル経営
- 人口政策(特に一人っ子政策)と習い事ビジネス
- 近代中国におけるジェンダー・生理用品・医薬品ビジネス
- 中国私企業の生き残り戦略
- 長距離貿易と信頼・信用
- 20世紀前半中国における生理用品の経営史
- 19世紀−20世紀イギリスのコレクティブ・バーゲニング
- 20世紀イギリスにおけるタバコ・アルコール産業と医学
- 16世紀イタリアにおける芸術、記憶、パトロネージ
- コモディティとしてのステレオタイプ
- 南海泡沫事件と金融バブルの歴史
- ジェンダーと絶対王政下の経済政策
- 産業革命以前の企業の社会的責任
- 河川航行と市場統合の社会史
- 歴史記述による経済理論構築にむけて
Regions and periods covered
– Twentieth-century China
– Late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Germany
– Seventeenth and early eighteenth-century Britain
– Victorian and Edwardian Britain
– Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Tuscany
– Japan during the Showa Depression
– medieval Japan
Past (or ongoing) research topics (in no particular order)
– Journalism, public opinion and cartel management
– China’s one-child policy and after-school educations
– Gender and sanitary products in modern China
– Survival strategies of private Chinese companies
– Collective bargaining in Victorian Britain
– Tobacco and alcohol industries and medicine in C20 Britain
– Art, memory and patronage in sixteenth-century Italy
– Stereotypes as commodities
– The South Sea Bubble Incident and the History of the Financial Bubble
– Gender and economic policy under absolute monarchy
– Corporate social responsibility before the industrial revolution
– Sugar industry and the consumption of sugar in Japanese empire
– Diary industry in Japan since the end of the Edo period
– Ritual and political legitimacy in Muromachi Japan
– Historical thick description as a tool for revisiting economic theory